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Tori-Beth R.

Blogger, Student




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Hello! My name is Tori-Beth Robinson and I am currently a first-year Sustainable Development Major at Appalachian State University. I have had sustainable living on my mind for a long time, but until recently, I haven’t been doing so good at it. This blog is an attempt to help me in my journey.


It all started Thanksgiving of 2016. Youtube surfing was my favorite pass time. I’m not sure how I stumbled upon it, but I found Lauren Singer’s Ted talk. Her message hit me hard. I started watching more and more videos on zero waste and sustainability, and I began to want to match the lifestyle I saw. I did the best I could for four months. I lived with my parents. They did the groceries. It got harder and harder to sustain that lifestyle. I began to falter. All around me people told me that I wasn’t making a difference, so why bother. I forgot why I started so I just… stopped. I still was aware of my footprint, and it was definitely less than before, but not by much. That’s how I’ve been living my life since then.


I want to change. I’ve decided that it doesn’t matter that I won’t make a difference. It doesn’t matter that it’s hard. I’ve decided that I owe it to myself to change the way I’m living. It doesn’t matter if no one around understands why I’m doing this. It doesn’t matter that I won’t always get it right. I want to try.

So yea, this is my documented journey. I’m learning to live sustainably.

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